Unlocking Peak Performance: Why High Achievers Want Better Performance Tools

May 15, 2024

Unlocking Peak Performance: Why High Achievers Want Better Performance Tools

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Self-quantification is booming. From steps tracked to sleep cycles analyzed, we’re becoming obsessed with data-driven insights into our well-being to achieve peak performance. 

But this trend isn’t limited to personal wellness. High-performing employees crave the same level of insights for their careers. Imagine having real-time data that reveals peak productivity hours, pinpoints areas for optimization, and quantifies the impact of their efforts.

This is where data-centric performance tracking becomes a powerful and necessary tool for both employees and managers. By having access to data-driven insights, managers can help their teams identify areas for growth, optimize their workflows, and maximize productivity.

In short, performance management tools help bridge a manager’s desire for a high-performing team and an employee’s drive for self-improvement and career growth.

Why traditional reviews are failing top performers

Standard annual or quarterly reviews are relics of a bygone era.

While designed to assess and motivate employees, these traditional performance review cycles often fall short. In fact, many major employers like Apple and Microsoft have abandoned annual reviews altogether

Most companies that have left them behind cite three main reasons:

  • Inaccuracy – Recalling a year’s worth of details is a recipe for forgetfulness. Significant contributions and minor stumbles can blur together and paint an inaccurate picture of an employee’s performance.
  • Delayed Feedback – By the time a year-end review rolls around, valuable moments for course correction and motivation have long passed. Real-time or more frequent feedback is more effective.
  • Subjectivity – Bias can creep into evaluations, overshadowing an employee’s actual performance. This can be even trickier with the rise of remote work, where managers might struggle to gauge employees’ soft skills or contributions that aren’t readily apparent through video calls.

Moreover, annual performance reviews can demotivate high performers. When feedback is limited to a single, retrospective review, employees may feel like their dedication isn't recognized — especially when the meeting occurs once they’re already feeling underappreciated. 

Most high performers want better information, tools, and access to leadership so they can continue to thrive. In fact, employees are more engaged in their work and perform better when managers have more frequent conversations with them.

Unclear expectations and limited growth opportunities — topics often addressed but too often unresolved in annual reviews — can also leave high-performers feeling stagnant. It can also force them to compensate for low performers for long periods of time, further draining their time and energy.

When high performers believe there is a lack of data transparency around their work and how it contributes to the team’s or greater organization’s goals, they may believe their efforts are wasted. That can lead to frustration and a decline in productivity. High performers may become disengaged or look for opportunities elsewhere when they feel stuck in their current roles with no clear path to advancement.

Entering the next era of performance management 

High performers are the backbone of any organization. As the most engaged employees, they consistently deliver exceptional results and drive progress. Just like high-performing athletes track their stats (think Whoop, Eight Sleep, Apple Watch), high-performers in the workplace benefit from real-time data tracking their performance as a means of self-improvement. 

And a powerful performance-tracking tool can help you ensure high performers take their game to the next level. Here’s how:

1. Establishing a benchmark

Top performers do best when they know what success looks like. Benchmarks allow them to track their progress by comparing performance to industry standards or past results. Likewise, companies can identify areas for improvement and make workflows smoother. 

Just like using benchmarks, the goals give teams a clear picture of what success looks like for them. They can track progress, identify roadblocks, and celebrate achievements along the way, which fosters motivation and engagement.

2. Evaluating performance objectively

Traditional annual reviews can be subjective and prone to bias. High performers might not receive the recognition they deserve based on a manager’s input alone. Performance-tracking tools capture data over extended periods and provide a fairer and more objective way to identify top performers. 

3. Giving feedback in real-time 

Performance tracking also provides a continuous feedback loop, allowing you to identify and address weaknesses quickly. Employees who receive regular feedback become more engaged and highly productive than those who wait longer for a formal review. 

Real-time insights from a quantitative data-driven management tool empower managers and their A-players to maintain high standards and continually explore opportunities for upskilling. 

4. Illuminating workflow inefficiencies

All workplaces experience hidden drains on time, resources, and data — even from the best performers. Performance tracking exposes these bottlenecks, allowing you to streamline processes and unleash your high performers on more critical tasks. 

In its Women in the Workplace Study, McKinsey found that improved process efficiency can lead to productivity gains of up to 20% while also reducing unnecessary costs.

5. Quantifying achievements 

Performance data helps management quantify individual (and team) accomplishments which helps employees build a solid case for career advancement. Over time, this data becomes a powerful advocacy tool, especially for high-achieving team members who might otherwise struggle to make their voices heard – and in turn get the recognition they deserve.

Seam is the future of performance measurement

Seam is a win-win for both employees and organizations. With data-driven insights, high-performers refine their skills, optimize their workflows, and confidently advocate for their achievements.

Enabling targeted development

Seam lets you give real-time feedback and helps you equip workers to be their own advocates. With quantifiable metrics showcasing contributions, employees can confidently negotiate raises, bonuses, or a well-deserved promotion.

Optimizing resource allocation

Seam tracks activity, efficiency, and performance so you can understand work patterns and eliminate time-wasters, letting the team focus on the most impactful tasks. Critically, Seam’s performance management software will never track your browser history or screen time.

Fostering a continuous learning culture

Seam empowers you to incentivize knowledge-sharing, reskilling, and upskilling for continuous improvement in your team.

Seam isn’t just a performance management tool – it’s a catalyst for the data-driven future of work. 

Ready to get started? Try Seam today. 

Jake Honig

Jake Honig