How Verbatim saves $40,000 in cross-team resources with Seam’s performance management tooling

Discover how Verbatim – a rapidly growing content studio – uses Seam to optimize meeting management for its growing team.

8 hours

of meeting time saved weekly


saved in meeting costs annually


Adrian Alfieri

Founder and CEO at Verbatim

When you're onboarding talent at this rate, it's easy for calendars to overflow with unnecessary meetings. Seam brought our rapidly growing team back on track, and the productivity increase has been substantial.

Adrian Alfieri Founder and CEO at Verbatim


Verbatim needed a single source of truth for meeting management

Like many early-stage teams, Verbatim launched with a lean team of only four employees. However, as its list of clients began to skyrocket (including several enterprise-level contracts), its team size followed suit, growing by over 400% in less than a year. 

While growth in both the number of clients and team size is a good challenge to have, Verbatim found its employee calendars were suddenly overflowing with meetings. The amount of time allocated to meetings impacted its team's ability to focus on other core business objectives, such as content strategy and business development.

Their team knew it was time to onboard a meetings management solution to bolster their time management capabilities and focus on what they do best – creating content. That's when they found Seam.

"We needed to know precisely how much time our team was devoting to crucial versus less important meetings. Our aim was to save time and channel it into activities that directly contribute to revenue growth."


Seam bolsters Verbatim's meeting management capabilities

Verbatim onboarded Seam to optimize its meeting structure and support its growing staff. Using our Meeting Analysis tool, Verbatim's leadership team uncovered how much time was spent on meetings on a per-employee basis while quantifying meeting costs across the entire organization.  

Their team leveraged these insights to conduct meeting optimization audits for each employee – allocating time for critical meetings and reducing time spent on non-critical calls. With their revitalized meeting schedules, the Verbatim team spends far less time on Zoom calls and more time strategizing on how to drive growth for its growing list of clients. 

"Having this level of insight into how meetings affect Verbatim from both a cost and efficiency standpoint has been an absolute game changer. The efficiency gains we've seen since onboarding with Seam have been nothing short of incredible." 


Verbatim saves $40,000 in meeting costs annually – without slowing talent acquisition

Since implementing Seam, Verbatim has seen a remarkable increase in time saved on meetings and a subsequent decrease in meeting costs across the company. Here are a few highlight metrics Verbatim has seen since onboarding with Seam:

  • 8 hours of meeting time saved weekly
  • $40,000 saved in meeting costs annually

As Verbatim continues to scale its number of clients and employees, they're grateful to have Seam at its side to ensure each minute spent on meetings is a productive one.

"We're excited to continue using Seam as we scale and bring on more talent. With our meeting structure on autopilot, ensuring employee productivity has never been easier." 

Verbatim is a B2B content agency helping over 200+ startups build content engines that generate demand. They design, build, and deploy end-to-end content functions spanning strategy, execution, and distribution of assets. To date, they’ve worked with high-growth startups like OpenStore, Disco, Goody, Cohere, Baseten, Captions, Fermat, Factored Quality, and more.


Brooklyn, NY







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